Beyond the typical Physical Therapy.
Physical Therapy/Consultations
Evaluate and treat your medical conditions by taking a look at your physical strength, alignment, movement patterns, lifestyle and habits. We will use a unique combination of the techniques listed below. This can be done via telehealth or in-person. Physical Therapy is right for you if you want to learn more about why you are having a problem with something or have been given a medical diagnosis and told you need physical therapy. I can also meet with your current physical therapist via teleconference and sit in on a session to help guide treatment if you are stuck or your therapist does not have experience treating hyper mobility/EDS, autonomic dysfunction or chronic pain.
50 mins Initial Consult | $175
50 mins Follow up | $150
Coaching is well-suited for anyone who knows what their problem is and/or what they need to do/change but are unsure of how to change it. We will work on setting goals and making steps towards your goals. These goals can be related to fitness, weight loss, sleep, diet, energy conservation or any other health related goal you may have. This can be a great way to stay motivated and establish habits that will stick.
50 mins Initial Consult | $175
50 mins Follow up | $150
Many people don’t know where to start or are afraid they will injure themselves by starting an exercise routine. Other people just have difficulty motivating themselves to exercise or don’t like/know how to plan a well-rounded workout routine. Everyone can benefit from someone watching their form to make sure they have not fallen into an old habit. These exercise/yoga sessions will be designed around your goals and what you love to do. I will give you the tools to start to design and progress your own routines if you would like to use them. However, I will be happy to continue to work out with you as long as you wish. We can meet online or in-person.
50 mins Initial Consult | $175
50 mins Follow up | $150
The first session will likely be mostly planning so some people like to book back-to-back appts so they can also get a workout on the first session.
Dry Needling
Dry Needling is a specific type of trigger-point release using needles. It is not acupuncture though it can also be performed by an acupuncturist. Trigger points are areas in the muscles that have had some chemicals change so they cannot contract or relax, making them tight and weak spots in the muscle. By touching a needle to this spot it will often “jump” or “twitch.” This helps the chemical to change back and the muscles to be able to contract and relax again, making it easier to use the muscles. It can also be used to work on scars and fascia similar to other deep tissue techniques.
50 mins Initial Consult | $175
50 mins Follow up | $150
Our body systems are interconnected, and many of my patients have overlapping problems that play off of each other. At JenFitter, we will look at the body as a whole.

Treatments and Techniques
Manual Therapy
Mobilization and manipulation of the joints and various soft tissue/massage techniques to help you use your body differently and get out of painful/dysfunctional patterns of movement. Manual therapy can also be used to help calm the nervous system and manage swelling/inflammation.
Movement in all forms. We will start from the foundation. Whether it is to increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance, strength or balance, we will assess your current movement patterns and how they are playing into the problem you are having. I will then help you learn new movement patterns to accomplish your goals. This often means small tweaks to exercises you are already doing to target muscles you have difficulty using or to stop using muscles you already use. We will discuss how many exercises you can do as homework as well so the program is truly individualized.
Motivational Interviewing
It is a balance between good listening and giving you advice. You know and live in your body. I will listen to you and help reflect back the important information you relay in order to empower you to see the path towards achieving what is truly important to you. I will give you advice and information when asked, but I try to avoid persuading towards one path or the other as I trust your intuition.
Energy Conservation
We are so accustomed to structuring our day around how much time we have instead of how much energy we have. I will help you learn how to structure your day around the energy you have. We will also look at the way you perform different activities and attempt to reduce the energy needed for those tasks or achieve a more optimal time structure per task.
Dry Needling
The ultimate deep tissue work. It is great for knots in muscles, tight fascia and scars. Dry needling is different from acupuncture but can be performed by an acupuncturist. Read more about Dry Needling.
Breathing patterns are at the heart of many problems. I commonly see people become stuck in one way of breathing leading to mechanical, postural and chemical problems throughout the body. There is no one “right” way to breathe all the time, and I will help you learn how to use different breathing methods becoming more efficient at using the oxygen you breathe in.
Cognitive Behavioral
This is a powerful way to help you change habits and patterns. I use it most often to aid people in sleeping better, ending jaw clenching/grinding and stopping strong urges to run to the bathroom. We will look at how your body reacts to different places/situations/people and teach you a new pattern to replace the old habit.
Basic Nutrition
We will assess whether you are meeting basic nutritional requirements and explore whether this may be contributing to your problem(s).
Pain Science Education
The body talks to the brain and the brain talks to the body. Many treatments only focus on the way the body talks to the brain. Pain Science Education helps to teach the brain new ways to talk to the body and is wonderful for persistent problems. This may include self-talk, education, flash cards/memory games and mirrors depending on what is needed.
Yoga is a wonderful way for people to connect with themselves. Over the years some have turned the movement part of yoga into a workout rather than a time for moving meditation. I can help you understand both aspects to allow you to decide how your body can best use the asanas/poses and breathing techniques. Whether you are new or well-practiced, stiff or hypermobile, I will help you learn how to move into the asanas/poses safely and understand any challenging movement patterns to allow you to explore the posture in a new way.
“I can’t meditate because I can’t get my head to stop thinking!” is something I hear frequently. That is OK! There are many forms of meditation. The types of meditation that require you to “clear your head” were designed for monks whose main objective was to connect with a higher power or enlightenment. This is a wonderful connection, but there are other benefits that you can achieve with different types of meditation that are designed for people who live in society and have attachments such as jobs, families and pets.
Training Plans
Do you have a fitness goal but don’t know where to start? Have you repeatedly been injured while training for a specific goal? Do you have a difficult time sticking with a plan? I can help you start or fine tune your training plans to keep you moving whether it be a 5k walk, marathon, triathlon, pull-ups or boxing match. We will explore your natural strengths as we determine what is needed to complete the task.